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- Visual management for manufacturing 4.0
- Visual management project management & organization
- Visual management QHSE and Continuous improvement
- Data-driven management
- Digital workplace
- Industrie 4.0
- Short interval Management
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Posts by category
- Category: Featured
- Diffusion of safety and hygiene rules in the context of COVID-19
- Share important information from your team while working remotely
- Short interval management rituals in manufacturing: Motivate your teams around dynamic visual screens.
- Why digitise your visual management screens?
- What is a visual management board (or SQCD/QRQC)?
- Dictionary: lean, data, visual management and industry 4.0, all the definitions
- Category: Jobs
- OPC-UA communication = digital visual management 4.0 through connectivity
- Category: Production
- Revolutionize your industrial management with e-Andon: a visual and intuitive approach
- What is Andon? Principle, operation and benefits
- How Atlantic group make SIM digital in record time
- Managing your energy consumption in industry: how to take advantage of visual management?
- No Code/Low Code : the best way to digitize your factories?
- Piloter vos consommations énergétiques dans l’industrie : comment tirer parti du management visuel ?
- Metso Outotec: digital wallboards to “align” all of its production
- How TIAG Industries is accelerating towards 4.0
- Industry 4.0: the connected panel for frontline workers
- What digital visual management in the warehouse?
- The 4.0 panel at the service of the operator
- Andon digital alert : for a reactive and agile organization
- Client case study at Chantiers de l’Atlantique – productivity gains!
- How Sabca uses the digital flowboard to monitor its production ?
- The challenges of digital in the aeronautics sector
- Gemba Walk (field tour) and Short Interval Management (SIM) : why opt for their digitalization?
- Short Interval Management (SIM) : a key issue for the industry
- Andon advance/delay: Monitor and control advances / delays
- Andon incident: When machines and the information system automate alerts
- Andon advance/delay: Optimising production flow
- Andon incident: The operator at the heart of value creation
- Andon and visual management : the basics
- Production: What is the ROI of visual management?
- Visual management for team briefings in the manufacturing industry
- How best to choose your digital visual management partner?
- Andon: How to bring together people and digital systems?
- Operational management: Why opt for Visual Management?
- Lean management and digital: A winning pair!
- Future manufacturing: Focus on people!
- Andon system : CLAAS digitize its incident’s management
- Category: QHSE & Continuous Improvement
- Category: Logistics
- Category: Digital, support & IT
- Category: Project management & Organization
- Category: HR, Sales & Communication
- Category: Challenges
- PingFlow + Microsoft = visual management for the Digital Workplace
- Category: Digital Workplace
- Supply chain and IT collaboration: how does visual management break down silos?
- The Manager’s Toolbox of 2020
- What visual management and indicators for efficient project management?
- What visual management and indicators for efficient customer service?
- What visual management and indicators for an efficient IT service and helpdesk?
- Digital SIM board for effective team management
- Strategic vision / field alignment: why and how to work differently?
- New collaborative tools: bet on agility! (or connectivity)
- Internal transformation of your company: where are you?
- Business transformation: is there a pilot on the plane?
- The evolution of customer service
- Manage a contact center with relevant indicators
- What is Digital Visual Management?
- Digital Visual Management: Areas of Consideration
- Digital Visual Management: Implementation Approachs
- Discover Miro, the ideal solution to easily add a collaborative touch to your PingView wallboards!
- Customer service: visual management at the customer service satisfaction
- What is the OKR method?
- Building on a vision of “human-centric”, PingFlow promises a complete digital transition, and human.
- Interview Project Manager Patrick Vincenti
- Short interval management meetings in the Digital Workplace
- Short interval management : how to implement visual management?
- The benefits of digital
- Why and how to implement a data culture within your company?
- Data driven management : How to coordinate your teams?
- How to make data meaningful?
- Data culture : Where and how to exploit useful data?
- The way to data driven culture
- Project Management: The ROI from visual management
- IT managers, IT Services and support What ROI can be expected from visual management?
- Sales & marketing: The ROI of visual management.
- Human Resources: The ROI of visual management.
- The pitfalls to avoid in choosing your Visual Management solution
- The 10 Commandments for good implementation of Visual Management
- Teamwork, commitment, engagement: When your staff show their hidden talents
- Operational excellence: What lean management teaches us
- BI, dataviz and Visual Management: What are the differences?
- Visual Management is the backbone of the digital workplace
- 6 steps to implement digital visual management in your team
- How can a wallboard change your team?
- Interactive visual management
- Too many indicators kill the indicators!
- Obeya for project management
- An effective real-time dashboard
- Operational excellence thanks to different lean
- KPI visual management of CIO
- Over-information in companies
- Category: Communication interne
- Category: Smart factory
- Category: Team management & rituals
- Category: Data driven monitoring
- Category: Non classifié(e)
My Templates
- How best to choose your digital visual management solution?
- ARaymond
- Groupe Atlantic
- Metso Outotec
- Tiag Industries
- ISS France
- Chantiers de l'Atlantique
- eBook : Digitization in Shop floor and warehouse : power of digital visual management
- Visual performance management: digital solution to boost your Short-Interval Management
- Caisse d'Épargne (HDF)
- Current by GE
- Toyota
- Kubota
- Stelia
- Claas
- What ROI can be expected from visual management in the era of digital transformation?
- Andon and visual management: The essential partnership of factory 4.0
- Caisse d'épargne
- Renault
- Scania
- Faiveley
- Developing a data driven culture
- How best to choose your digital visual management solution?
- Putting people at the heart of smart factory
- Digital workplace Why opt for Visual Management?
Wallboards exemples
- Short Interval Management
- QSE communication
- Warehouse load visibility
- Shipping visibility
- Production monitoring
- Andon Board
- Collaborative (Microsoft 365)
- OKR visualization
- Customer service
- Visual management of performance
- Logistique
- Gemba SIM Board
- Production monitoring
- KPI & Andon Board
- SLA & helpdesk monitoring
- Collaborative (Obeya)
- OKR method
- Overall view of applications
- Project management
- Manufacturing
- Jobs
- QHSE & Continuous Improvement
- Supply chain
- Digital, support & IT
- Project management & Organization
- Customer service & HR
- Digital Workplace
- Challenges
- Smart factory
- Short Interval Management
- Data driven monitoring