The fundamentals of a data-driven strategy

How can you master your data to better manage your business? Implementing a data-driven strategy involves several stages.

exemples management visuel

Data collection

from your business applications, your machines, feedback from field staff…

reporting automatisé

Data formatting

extract significant indicators, put them into perspective so that they make performance visible…

icone groupe de personne

Data circulation

put them at the heart of the decision-making process and use them as a support for team leadership.

How do you create a "data culture"?

Without someone to analyze it, put it into perspective, and make decisions, data is nothing. Ensuring that your teams have access to the right data, and that they understand it, is the real key to the success of a data-driven strategy.

It’s a management issue that cuts across all corporate functions, rather than a technical one. How do you “acculturate” your employees to data? Make it visible and useful?


Choisir ses données

Démultiplier les indicateurs, c’est facile. Leur donner du sens, moins ! L’enjeu, c’est d’identifier les “vrais” KPI (indicateurs clé de performance), ceux qui ont du sens et informent réellement sur la poursuite des objectifs en lien avec la stratégie de l’entreprise. Piloter par la donnée, c’est choisir !


Faire “parler” ses données

Un chiffre seul, sans grille de lecture, ne révèle rien. Évitez les “indicateurs pastèque” (vert à l’extérieur, rouge à l’intérieur), rendez accessibles, visibles et claires vos données clé pour en faciliter la compréhension par vos équipes.


Faire circuler ses données

Pas de silo, pas de chasse gardée : une donnée qui circule, c’est une entreprise dont les équipes sont fédérées sur les mêmes objectifs, communiquent, collaborent, et se responsabilisent pour transformer la stratégie en actes grâce à des données transparentes et partagées.


Rendre ses données actionnables

Quel(s) usage(s) de la data dans votre entreprise ? Permettre à un collaborateur de résoudre proactivement les problèmes, informer l’équipe sur l’activité du moment et les objectifs immédiats, suivre l’avancée de la stratégie et la décliner en plans d’actions objectifs… Le pilotage data driven rend tout cela possible !

Pingflow makes data visual!

With Pingview (our solution for designing visual management wallboards for production), you connect or create your data sources, and design visual management media with impact.

These wallboards, which can be displayed on one or more large screens (in meeting rooms, workshops, etc.), enable you to translate your data into relevant, attractive and understandable indicators in real time.

Our examples of data-driven wallboards

Production monitoring

An adaptable shop floor management wallboard to light up your production data on displays directly on the shop floor and organize the communication of your data even more efficiently.

KPI & Andon Board

This wallboard gives a view of the entire production on different stations with a notion of remaining time.

Data + visual management: our solutions for capitalizing on your data

solution management visuel digital


Andon lean: optimize your teams’ responsiveness to incidents

reporting automatisé

Real-time production control

Visual production management: optimize the performance of your workshops

icone groupe de personnes

Team rituals

Bring your animation rituals to life at short intervals with digital visual management

management visuel digital

QHSE communication

Quality and safety management: pilot QHSE with our visual management software solution


They trust us

With Pingflow, our customers put their data in order, in the service of their teams’ performance. Here’s what they have to say.


The objective of visual management for ARaymond is to boost exchanges between managers and operators, to be more efficient by avoiding the time lost by managers to print and display, to facilitate the feedback of information by operators: problems, comments, continuous improvement

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Groupe Atlantic

Groupe Atlantic wish to digitize the SIM (Short Interval Management) of the factory with very clear expectations: a system that simplifies and streamlines the production information and its visual “translation” into clear indicators,  centralize and monitor the various action plans for the plant.

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Metso Outotec

The Short Interval Management made digital on the wallboards  focus on the current problems, and on the way in which we commit to solving them for continuous improvement and operational excellence

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Tiag Industries

Tiag Industries has reached the milestone of factory 4.0 through the robotization of its extrusion fleet and the digitalization of workstation information.

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ISS France

Installation of wallboards connected to the “infflux” traceability software in logistics warehouses

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A paper flowboard, a large synoptic spreadsheet schematizing the production lines, made it possible to follow the progress of each part during production, which each team leader would then “point” during the shift.

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The challenge is to meet the information needs of Daher’s “frontline workers”, ie non-computerized people in the field, to disseminate business information in the field by reusing existing screens.

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Chantiers de l’Atlantique

How to improve your production?

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Caisse d’Épargne (HDF)

How to digitize physical visual management within 5 teams (pilot project)?

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Let's talk !

Would you like more information? Have a demo? Or simply talk to our teams? Don’t hesitate to contact us!