Digital POC: a new way of working

Digital POC: a new way of working


Big Data: from data compilation to decision automation

Tracking consumer experience on the internet is the best known part of Big Data: capturing all the signals to know the slightest desires of consumers and better anticipate them. In terms of Supply Chain, Big Data is still in its infancy but offers great opportunities for decision automation.

There are 3 major areas in which Big Data has established itself:

  • The predictive predictions
  • Performance monitoring
  • Transport monitoring and optimization

Today, tools such as BI tools or web-based solutions such as Pingview allow you to connect to heterogeneous databases to collect information of any type of format and then display it in a readable and dynamic way in real time.


IoT: connected objects to control the Supply Chain

There were 10 million connected objects in the world in 2015 and by 2020 there will be almost 30 million. Among them are trailers, swap bodies, pallets, containers, tools, spare parts, construction equipment, etc.

The IoT  (Internet of Things) radically changes the way the supply chain works and is controlled. Therefore, companies have a digital project vision. And that’s why they want to set up a digital POC (Proof of Concept) in a new project.


Time for digital POC

Digital transformation is no longer debatable, especially with IoT and Big Data, but also with 3D printing, collaborative robots, virtual and augmented reality…

Unlike a large pilot project whose objective is to validate and prepare a future deployment of a technology, the digital POC starts without the protagonists having a fully defined idea of benefits and consequences in terms of organization. The goal of a POC is to test in real life the use and relevance of a technology over a small area in order to assess the return on investment and identify potential uses.

For a digital POC to be successful, it is necessary to:

  • An initial problem: this problem can of course evolve during the POC
  • Sufficient data: these data must be retrievable and easily exploitable
  • An average delay of 3 to 4 months depending on the projects: note that there may be several POC but the first must be as simple and efficient as possible
  • A digital support: screen, tablet…