Too many indicators kill the indicators!
Too many indicators kill the indicators!
Indicators have now become a TREND! All companies are putting them everywhere and in every shape. With lean and obeya, KPI (…)
Too many indicators kill the indicators!
Indicators have now become a TREND! All companies are putting them everywhere and in every shape. With lean and obeya, KPI (…)
Obeya for project management
What is Obeya ?
Obeya means “large room” in Japanese and is a practice of visual management derived from lean. This room is a (…)
Displaying an effective real-time dashboard
A real-time dashboard has a role of activities management with the highlighting of key performance indicators. For a team to be effective, it (…)
Operational excellence thanks to different lean
Achieving excellence is everyone’s dream… But what about operational excellence for companies?
By involving operators in the perpetual improvement of the operation (…)
KPI visual management of CIO
Agile and lean management of IT department by digital visual management
Concept lean IT & CIO
Lean management also called also called “management without (…)
Over-information in companies
Do all companies generate data that can be useful to them, without even knowing it?
Today, all companies generate a large amount of data that (…)